I have a script that queries a sqlite database file with ~8M rows in the main table and measures ~1.3GiB on disk. With a cold start, the script takes around 6 minutes to execute:

$ # clear the cache: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt
$ sudo sync
$ echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

$ time ./target/release/app

real    6m7.636s
user    0m14.322s
sys     0m15.043s

From time’s output, we can infer that the script is spending most of its time on I/O.

Since the db file is not large, bringing the entire file into the disk/page cache should speed things up. To do this, I found a small utility called vmtouch. The code it uses to preload is straightforward: memory map the file and then read it with a stride of PAGESIZE.

The total runtime (including time to cache the file) reduces to ~24 seconds giving a speed up of ~15x:

$ # clear the cache
$ sudo sync
$ echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

$ vmtouch -vt db.sqlite

           Files: 1
     Directories: 0
   Touched Pages: 319313 (1G)
         Elapsed: 9.6319 seconds

real    0m9.674s
user    0m0.084s
sys     0m0.569s
$ time ./target/release/app

real    0m14.051s
user    0m7.056s
sys     0m6.796s